5 Ways to Make Your Tattoo Dreams Come True

Sophia Ridley
4 min readFeb 10, 2020


by Sophia Ridley on February 10.


When getting a tattoo some people want original art, and others people opt for the basics. Most of the time whether the tattoo is common or rarer it usually has original meaning to the person getting it. As a tattoo designer myself, I love to sit down with people and discuss who they are and what their tattoo means to them. From there I can really morph a basic idea into a beautiful reality. So before you go get inked, here’s the top 5 ways to make the most common tattoos special according to local tattoo artists.



Tattoos are permanent, people are not

Tattoo artists will remind clients that their tattoo will last forever but the relationship might not. Unless the name is of a family member, a lost loved one, or even a childhood pet then they recommend taking the proper time to make the decision.

In addition different styles of lettering can help make your tattoo stand out and there are hundreds of possibilities.

“Make it your own” is a common phrase tattoo artists say. They love to do original work, their artists, so be creative when getting that special someone or your favorite grandparents name inked.



Flowers all year round

Floral pieces are always a big hit. With hundreds of different kinds and colors and styles to choose from the possibilities are endless.

One thing you have to remember with floral tattoos, or with any tattoo with color, you will have to get the color retouched to keep up the vibrance.

Tattoo artists recommend you write down a couple ideas and find pictures online before they draw one up for you.

The biggest mistake you can make is not being 100% sure what you want.



Animals are timeless

Animals have been a popular tattoo since the beginning. Although styles have changed, traditional styles are still popular. Realism and illustrative are more modern and just as cool.

The most popular animals are birds (owls, eagles, parrots), wolves, and big cats (lions and tigers.)

Sometimes it can be hard to stick to one style with so many different options. Some tattoo artists end up having a specific style to their art so make sure to find an artist that stylistically appeals to you.



Memorial tattoos are a great way to honor your loved ones. They tell a story and no matter how “common” they are they are unique to every person.

While tattooing their client, artists love to get the backstory behind every tattoo. Memorial tattoos carry a lot of significance and although the tattoo can be small, the memories aren’t.

When designing the tattoo with the artist, provide details about the person, they could give the artist specific ideas on your tattoo that will make it especially unique to you.



Quotes are always hard to make unique. They are so common, and the lettering can only vary so much.

Typically the lettering is simple cursive or in regular “handwriting”. In addition you want to be careful where you have the tattoo done. Weight gain can cause stretching and make the words unrecognizable.

Also think of how long the quote is and how aesthetic longer or shorter quotes are to you.

The bottom line is, if you want it, get it, no matter how common it might be. Just remember, their permanent.



Sophia Ridley
Sophia Ridley

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